Fill out this form to get a quote or, more information.

Get A FREE Stainless Steel Tumbler!

All form fields need to be completed in order to receive the free tumbler. One per person. Allow 4-6 weeks delivery. Requesting a warranty quote or information is not an obligation to buy.

By filling out this form I agree to receive warranty information by email, phone, mail, other. I understand that my personal information will not be shared with anyone not involved with the warranty.

The value of having a warranty? Protecting your investment.

Snapped Turbo Impeller Shaft

$2,500 - $9,000 cost range

Damaged Fuel Pump

$2,500 - $25,000 cost range

Broken Piston Ring

$8,500 - $30,000 cost range

common equipment failures and repair cost range

Failure Type Repair Cost Range*
Aftertreatment $ 1,400-$14,500
Engines $ 15,000-$40,000
Fuel Pump $ 2,500-$25,000
Injectors $ 1,700-$8,200
Pistons $ 8,500-$30,000
Transmission $ 1,500-$15,500
Turbocharger(s) $ 2,500-$9,000
*Actual repair costs paid - Class 8 vehicles
Premium 2000 Logo

Thanks for submitting your information. Someone on our sales team will contact you shortly about our warranty plans. In the meantime, please visit our website at for more information or, click “watch a short video” on the value of having a warranty.